How to be more vulnerable without being less credible

how to be more vulnerable without being less credible

This is one of the BIGGEST questions we get asked all the time: How can you be more vulnerable without losing credibility? 

First and foremost, let’s discuss where this worry stems from. 

One of the key persuasion principles (factors that can influence whether someone buys from you or not based on psychological theory), is authority I.E. Being seen as the authority or expert in a particular topic or niche. 

Now whilst this is still true because you would go to someone who you believed knew their stuff over someone who didn’t seem as confident or knowledgeable, there’s something else we need to consider. 

Times have changed in recent years and now more than ever there’s a huge demand for way more transparency, honesty and vulnerability in the online space. 

And we are HERE for it. 

Now, vulnerability is just as powerful as any of the other persuasion principles when it comes to someone buying. 

Because vulnerability and being open and honest allows for your community to connect with you on a deeper level. They feel seen, heard and represented by you and you become more of a leader for them, giving them the space and permission to be vulnerable too. 

Which is freakin’ EPIC. 

But there is a way to be vulnerable without constantly sharing all the downfalls, mistakes and failures to still keep your credibility intact.

Do it from a place of learning

Nobody’s perfect and nobody knows everything and we’re all learning as we go. 

But rather than sharing from being in that place of failing, work it out, reflect on where it went wrong and share from a place of learning. 

I.E. Rather than sharing how your launch flopped and you’re such a failure in your launch flopping and feeling like a failure, give yourself time to process what went wrong, make changes and THEN share ‘I know what makes or breaks a launch because I’m talking from experience’. 

Notice the difference? 

Take a gander over at the gram to see some examples of our vulnerable posts. 

For example, this one is all about how business is hard work at times and the challenges we’ve faced as a business over the last 4 years. 

Or the time we talked about a flopped launch and how you can reframe your mindset. 

And finally, this post, which was a love letter to Amy of 4 years ago with some lightbulb realisations and gorgeous reflections. 

Are you wanting some help to feel confident and clear on your marketing strategy and how to show up consistently in your content and stories as the expert? 

Want to really understand how to create compelling content and nail your niche so you know who you’re talking to and how to do it? 

Fancy becoming your very own clued-up marketing superstar using our Magnetic Methods ® to make you irresistible to potential clients? 

Our signature online course, Magnetic Marketing Online (MMO) is available for you RIGHT NOW! 

This self-paced, 8 moduled course is jam-packed and juicy with everything you need to know about marketing your business online! 

And not only is MMO full of knowledge, value and foolproof strategies but it also includes a PRIVATE community of Prosecco popping biz besties and MONTHLY Live coaching calls with Amy, your marketing mentor for LIFE. 

This is an absolute STEAL and you can join us here. 

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