How to attract more clients without cold pitching


Who is so over the whole cold pitching method of getting clients circa 2018? 

Have you ever had your DM’s overflowing with random ‘coaches’ saying they love your content and would love to learn more about you…

 … Or WORSE, the ‘what’re your goals for the next 6 months?’ question without even asking your name. 


THAT’s cold pitching. 

Simply put, it’s the concept of sending a pitch - usually, a sales pitch masked by disingenuous interest in your business - to people, they haven’t formed any connections with, in the hope they’ll just buy anyway. 

(Wanna know what our thoughts are about cold pitching and the reasons why we haven’t replied to cold pitches since 2018? Check our post out here). 

Cold pitching is SO icky but yet there are still online business owners using this method to try and get clients. The theory is that it’s simply a numbers game. The more people they pitch to, the likelihood of at least one sale. 

In theory.

But times have changed (thank God) and now people want genuine connections. 

They want to feel like they know the coach or service provider they’re hiring, that they're likeable and have similar interests and ultimately, that they can trust them. 

(Trust is HUGE in the coaching world and for good reason but unfortunately, people have been burnt by coaches in the past who promise the world and massively underdeliver or use sleazy tactics to get their clients - we’ve done a post about red flags for you to keep a lookout when hiring a coach HERE). 

This is where your brand comes in and especially a type of marketing called: Attraction Marketing. 

Because over at Social Cactus, we specialise in MAGNETIC marketing by using our signature, Magnetic Methods ®. 

Magnetic by name… 

Magnetic by nature. 

(We’ve literally scaled our business to multiple 6-figures using these methods, they’re pretty epic!)

Using our Magnetic Methods ®, you can expect: 

  • Your DM’s overflowing with dreamboat potential clients and leads NOT creepy coaches and cold pitch peeve. 

  • An EPIC brand that is known by your community, loved by them and trusted by them as the leader and the expert. 

  • Natural, organic engagement as your audience wants to hear what you have to say. 

  • Paypal notifications of people buying your passive courses, ebooks or workshops whilst you sleep as they trust you that much. 

  • A consistent stream of recurring clients ready and raring to work with you because they’ve loved their results so far. 

  • An abundance of people being recommended to you so that your client outreach work is a thing of the past! 

So what 3 things can you do today to attract, not chase:

1.Build a Binge-worthy Brand

We won’t go into detail here about how to do this because this post on the ‘Gram pretty much sums up the whole thing but building a personal brand that people can connect with is ESSENTIAL in the online world to help you stand out and keep your bank balance soaring. 

Check out our 3 steps to building a binge-worthy brand here.

2.Talk about your offers consistently

Real talk: How often are you actually talking about your offers? 

There’s a tonne of research that suggests we have to talk about our offers 8+ times before someone might buy. 

Familiarity is a key psychological principle when it comes to selling and marketing - the more people feel familiar with YOU and YOUR offers, the easier the sale is because that connection and trust is built. 

This is why it’s handy having the same offers that you rinse n’ repeat when launching. 

Our signature offers that everyone has come to know are: 

Magnetic Mastermind - our 4-month mastermind for budding business owners wanting consistent 5k months. 

VIP Magnetic Mastermind - our 12-month immersive mastermind, supporting business owners to scale to 6-figures +. 

Magnetic Marketing Online (MMO)- our self-paced programme consisting of 8 modules designed to get you clued up on marketing your business and yourself online to make consistent cash. 

Magnetic Launchers Online (MLO) - go-at-your-own pace launching programme giving you 5-figure launches using 6-figure strategies to level up your launches like a pro. 

(You can check out all our programmes and offers here). 

Can you see a pattern here?  You can learn our Magnetic Methods ® in all of our magnetic offers.

3. Show up consistently

Just like with the familiarity principle, you can’t show up once and expect everyone to know who you are and buy from you off the bat. 

It takes showing up consistently to get to this point.  

Now that doesn’t mean showing up every day for 10 hours a day, it means whatever consistently means for you. But you want your audience to feel like they can rely on you, depend on you and trust you to be there throughout and showing up consistently builds that trust. 

Mesmerised by our Magnetic Methods ®? 

Our Magnetic Mastermind, the 4-month exclusive coaching container led by TWO expect coaches to help you break through the 1-3k mark and start making consistent 5k months is coming back very, very soon! 

Want to know more details and info on how you can join us for the next round? 

Check out our Magnetic Mastermind here. 

PS this programme ALWAYS sells out so be quick to reserve your spot if this is something that’s right up your street.

How To Sign Your First High-Ticket Client! 🖋