3 steps to selling out your offers before the cart opens


Controversial opinion incoming: If you’re waiting to sell your spots to your new programme or offer once the cart opens, you’re too late. 

Hear us out… 

Once the cart opens in your new launch that’s the time you’re most buzzed, excited and ready to sell so naturally this is the time you’ll be selling the majority of your spots. 

But there’s a magical time that’s already happened, especially if this isn’t the first launch of this particular offer, where you could have got bums on seats, money in your bank account and testimonials galore, which is the time we’re going to talk about below… 

(We touched on this in a post over on the gram here if you want a short summary but let’s get down to the details now!)

 So what can you do to help sell out your offers before the cart even opens?


Waitlists are a fantastic way to get people through the doors and on your programmes all year round. You could take deposits if you wanted, offer bonus coaching calls if they’ve got a little while to wait until the next round or just let them chill out on the waitlist. 

For them, it’s a sure-fire way to make sure they’re on the next round in case it sells out AND likely gets them in at the current price before a potential price increase next round (Not good at knowing when to increase your prices? We’ve done a post all about it HERE). 

And for you, it’s a great way to ease the pressure and go into your launch with powerful messaging like: “30% of spots have already gone” or “only 5 spots left” creating urgency that’s actually real. 

We’re not about encouraging our community to make up urgency just to get people to buy - that is not cool.


Another huge opportunity for your community to cash in before the big event is during a pre-sale. This is where you might start selling before you’re even in the launch period and the cart opens.

Examples of things you can do: 

  • Reach out to people who were interested last time but it wasn’t a good time to invest OR people you think would be a perfect fit - this isn’t about harassing them into a yes or stalking them for days on end but allowing them to consider it before the official launch date. 

  • Offer some pre-sale incentives - if people do join early, are there some exclusives or bonuses they could get? For example a free coaching call, access to some online self-paced courses or money off. 

  • You may just do a pre-sale for your email list OR if you’re doing a launch using a masterclass or workshop, offer the people who attended the event first dibs in your new programme.

All of these methods are ways to get people into your programmes before the public launch and not only do they give you cash, but they also can give you confidence as the cart opens.

3. ongoing nurturing

One of the BIGGEST mistakes we see when it comes to launches especially, is that you spend weeks preparing for the launch, perfecting your email sequences, engaging with your audience, showing up here, there and everywhere but then once the launch ends, you disappear. 

This is the problem with launches - most people use their energy before and during the launch so the minute the cart closes, they’re ready to check themselves into rehab or sleep for a month. 

This is NOT how we do things over at Social Cactus - we want you to have fun THROUGHOUT your launch and for your energy to be sky high even after the cart closes. 

Because you know what? 

It’s after the cart closes that the serious work comes in because that’s when you need to be nurturing your community and keeping them hot and on your radar, ready for the next time. 

Examples of how you can nail your nurturing: 

  • Offer lead magnets or freebies between launches to build up your audience and give away heaps of free value. (There’s actually a psychological selling principle that states the more value you’ve given someone, the more indebted they feel to you hence why lead magnets work so well!) 

  • Continue to engage especially with the people who were interested but didn’t invest. There are 15495485 reasons why someone may not have invested all of which aren’t our business. BUT that doesn’t mean they never will invest. Continue to engage with them, connect and get to know them as you just never know when they might buy. 

Interested in learning how to launch like a boss without the stress, sleaze and sleepless nights? 

Want to learn how to create 5-figure launches using 6-figure strategies and learn from the best in the business when it comes to generating quantum leaps in their bank account through launching? 

We upskilled our launches and up-levelled our bank balance as a result, raking in £350k from ONE launch in 2020 (you know, during a pandemic!)

Learn how we did that and get your own, bespoke launching blueprint that you can rinse n’ repeat by buying our Magnetic Launchers Online programme here and join our incredible clients creating HUGE cash injections in their businesses through launching.

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