5 ways to check you are charging your worth

5 ways to check you are charging your worth

Hands up if you’ve ever discounted your prices whilst on a sales call, guessed how much to charge based on other peoples rates and prices or offered an insane extended payment plan just to get the client? 

Don’t worry, we’ve been there and done that too. 

Overworked and underpaid was Amy’s middle name for the first year of business. 

That was until we realised that pricing your offers, programmes and services should be intentional and rational and can be reflected on these 5 things… 

(This is the post we did over on the Gram that inspired this blog post so if you’re more of a visual gal, check out the post here). 

5 ways to check you’re charging your worth (and making the money you deserve AND desire!)


We’ve had just over 4 years experience in this online business game. Experience pays! We’ve been there and got the t-shirt and know a thing or two about scaling a business from charging £150 a month for social media management to a multiple 6-figure business we are today. 

What experience do you bring to the table which makes you a premium queen and not a bargain babe? 

(Have you been burnt by a coach before? Are you feeling dubious and nervous about investing again because you’ve been told all this but it never worked out how you’d hoped? Chris did a post all about this subject here. Being burnt by coaches is NOT OK. And there’s definitely some red flags you can watch out for when hiring.  Check out the Reel we did here for some pointers!). 


When you hire a coach you’re not just getting all that particular coach's knowledge and skill. You’re also tapping into the knowledge and skill of everyone they’ve hired too AKA the compound effect. 

For example, if you were to invest in Amy, you’d also get the knowledge, guidance and advice passed on to her from the 7-figure coaches she’s invested in within the last year, all the Tony Robbins seminars she’s attended and manifestation advice from the Manifestation Queen herself - @manifestationbabe! (We’ve just invested into her most recent course to help us manifest and create our 7-figure year this year baby! SO excited!!) 

And that’s just Amy. 

That’s not taking into account Chris and the rest of the team.  

Ultimately, you get to work with us, learn from us and grow with us at the fraction of the cost it would be to work with some of the coaches we have had in the past. No brainer, right?

So start taking note of your investments to make sure you’re charging what you deserve based on all the juicy stuff you know that’s been passed onto you.

3. The lessons we’ve learnt and mistakes we’ve made

Because when clients work with us they don’t just get our knowledge and expertise but they also get to tap into our experiences - what worked for us, what didn’t work for us and what we’d do differently. Basically, when you hire a coach you get to learn from their mistakes and make sure you do things differently, quicker and better = PRICELESS! 

Where can you help SAVE your clients money by not making the same mistakes as you did?


We’re a team of 10+ strong and we’re full to the brim of expert coaches, marketing gurus and system superstars. Again, when you invest in Team Cactus, you’re getting ALL that expert energy in just that one investment. 

What could you do to enhance your programmes and offers and give even more value to charge premium prices? For example, bringing in guest experts or outsourcing to a pro.

4. The transformation our clients will experience

Would you invest £1000 if you KNEW you were going to be able to make £10,000 from that investment? 

The fear of something going wrong or not being able to make it work is so huge for some people it prevents them from even trying.  We charge premium prices because at Team Cactus we offer premium services and deliver premium results. 

What’s the transformation worth to your client? What price would they pay for the transformation you can support them in achieving? 

(Are you reading this and starting to feel more and more uneasy as you realise that deep down it’s your money mindset holding you back because you don’t feel worthy or deserving of charging more? We’ve got you - check out this press article we did all about money mindset here). 

If you’re currently overworked, underpaid and struggling to charge your worth but desperately wanting to increase your prices and start charging high-ticket in 2022, then we have JUST the thing for you… 

And it’s FREE!

Come join the Cactus Community and heaps of other budding high-ticket biz babes at our FREE ‘How To Charge High Ticket’ mini-course. You can access it RIGHT NOW here and say HELLO to being confident with your pricing and more money in your bank account.

How To Sign Your First High-Ticket Client! 🖋