The Dream Client Clarification Checklist


Developing a positive client relationship is a hugely beneficial process for both our businesses and ourselves. When you connect deeply with your clients you are much more likely to understand their requirements, resolve their problems and create a sense of mutual understanding with them. Plus, who doesn’t like to make new friends?! Not only this but creating a positive experience and spending time building a relationship does wonders for your business too. Client’s are more likely to stay loyal and generate referrals as they recommend you and your services to others. 

Here comes the *but*...

There will always be the clients who pay late (or in some cases never at all), fuss over everything, disrespect boundaries and undermine your knowledge and expertise. Over at Social Cactus, we do our best to eliminate these types of clients from the off but there’s always going to be one or two who fall through the cracks. That’s why we’ve refined our programmes and processes to make sure they’re exciting and enjoyable and attract our dream clients. And whilst we did this we mapped out what exactly a “dream client” looks like to us. Whether you’re looking to sign a few clients or you’re in the client seat itself check out our Dream Client Clarification Checklist below.


Being on the receiving end of a late payment is not the one. The chasing, the fear of not ever being paid and the aggravation you endure because you feel the action is unjust after working hard to complete a project. Something that we believe in is, you get out what you put in. That’s why we make sure all of our invoices are paid on time and if we can’t, we communicate that clearly and efficiently. We show up as the dream client so that we can manifest them in our business. 

Helpful hint: To protect yourself from a late invoice ensure that your contracts are airtight so that you can sanction any late payments if this is necessary.


Our type of client is one that shows up with EPIC energy and enthusiasm straight from the off and consistently throughout the project. They ask questions, are collaborative, get stuck in and are on hand for any questions to help the process run smoothly. Not only this but they express gratitude for our time and trust wholeheartedly in our knowledge and expertise.


We believe business should be fun. In fact, it’s one of our core values because we believe the more fun you have, the more abundance you attract. And it should be the same with clients! We are strict with who we sign up for our Masterminds because we want them to enjoy every step of the way. In doing this, we’ve made so many of our past clients turn into lifelong friends which is something we treasure. We want our clients to have a laugh, show their weird side and not be afraid to be silly every once in a while!


Having integrity and humility in business is so important. Just as you should hold your hands up as the business owner when something has gone tits up, it applies to the client too. Taking accountability for wrongdoing and communicating that effectively is vital for a strong client relationship. Making mistakes is only human but it’s about how you rectify the situation that counts.


A dream client to us is someone that respects our boundaries and time. This can look like communicating with us in the desired communication platform (I.E not sending heaps of DMs to talk about work), or it can look like understanding when we are taking a break. We have lots of boundaries as business owners and we communicate these clearly with our clients so that they understand our needs.


We love working with clients who listen intently, take on board what we have to say, and then enforce the strategy and aligned action we’ve created with them to see the MASSIVE results. You know the old saying, ‘you can lead a horse to water’? That’s exactly what we are talking about here. 

We’ve worked hard on focusing our marketing on client attraction so that we have messages asking to collaborate (because we're so magnetic 😉), rather than us offering a cold sell in their DMs and stalking them until they cave.

And this is our formula for achieving results like that:

  • Feel good strategy

  • Aligned action

  • Crystal clear clarity

  • Magnetic mindset

Are you ready to attract dream clients and get them signed up? We’re here to help! If you’re fed-up of the inconsistency of your finances and want solid £5k months (and beyond!) to be the norm then CLICK HERE to join us inside our signature programme: The Magnetic Mastermind.

How To Sign Your First High-Ticket Client! 🖋